Earth Day Poetry

Earth Day Poetry

Written by Carla Myers & Samantha Martin; Clark Family Library   The library (of course) encourages reading about nature. Why not combine it with #NationalPoetryMonth which also occurs in April?  Reading poems about nature and the environment can engender an...

Alumni Highlight – Caitlin Glagola ‘13

I have been drawn to nature and the sciences since a young kid, so it only felt natural to earn my bachelor’s degree in Biology when I attended W&J (way back in 2009-2013!). Although it seemed like an easy choice in the beginning of what major I would choose, it...
Guide to Happy Houseplants

Guide to Happy Houseplants

Written by Katelyn Walzer It is easy to enjoy the beauty of nature when you are walking through the woods or watching the sunset on the beach. However, when you are stuck inside (in times like today) it can be troublesome to have that same view. A solution?...
Earth Day Juice

Earth Day Juice

Written by Erin Herock Last year, during the W&J Earth Day Fair I created some juice recipes with my friend Sofia Carrasco. Unfortunately, we cannot make juice virtually to share with you, so the best solution is to give some year’s hit recipes. We named the...
Why We All Play a Role in Conserving Our Oceans

Why We All Play a Role in Conserving Our Oceans

Written by Kathryn Campbell In fall 2019 I studied abroad in Ecuador and The Galápagos Islands. While I was there I took classes that all taught me a lot about environmental research, conservation, and management. I specifically focused myself on marine environments....
Lily’s Gardening Tips

Lily’s Gardening Tips

Written by Lily Bonasso The days are finally getting longer, and all of the spring flowers are beginning to bloom! In light of the changing of the seasons, one of the best ways to celebrate what the Earth has to offer is by planting a vegetable garden to care for. Not...
Hiking to Find Myself

Hiking to Find Myself

Written by Julia Schaffer Happy Earth Day!! I believe that helping and appreciating the earth that we have been blessed to live on is a way to pay it back for all the beautiful wonders it does for us and all the lessons it teaches us. I have been passionate about...
Eco-Backyard: Composting & Planting Trees

Eco-Backyard: Composting & Planting Trees

Written by Robert Dunn One of the more important environmental actions we take in our household is to compost as much of our food waste as possible and nearly all of the leaves that fall in our yard each year. Almost seven years ago we started a compost pile in our...
Wildlife Conservation: Zoos and Sanctuaries

Wildlife Conservation: Zoos and Sanctuaries

Written by Julia Plasynski   Recently, there has been a mass amount of hype surrounding the new Netflix series, Tiger King. This has led to opinions circulating social media sites about how ANY type of zoo, sanctuary, or enclosure with animals is unethical and...

Being Vegan

Written by Lena DiFulvio I want to start by saying that my journey towards veganism has certainly not been a fast one, nor has it been easy. Let’s face it; changing your diet and completely eliminating foods that you’ve enjoyed your whole life is hard....