Guide to Happy Houseplants
Written by Katelyn Walzer It is easy to enjoy the beauty of nature when you are walking through the woods or watching the sunset on the beach. However, when you are stuck inside (in times like today) it can be troublesome to have that same view. A solution?...
Ecofeminism – what it is & why you should care
My name is Marcy Saldivar and I want to shed light on ecofeminism. I am a feminist and I actively study and advocate for all marginalized communities. My sister has Down syndrome which has motivated my interest in disability studies. As I studied these topics and...
Alumni Highlight – Caitlin Glagola ‘13
I have been drawn to nature and the sciences since a young kid, so it only felt natural to earn my bachelor’s degree in Biology when I attended W&J (way back in 2009-2013!). Although it seemed like an easy choice in the beginning of what major I would choose, it...
Climate Change Activists of Color: Why Intersectionality is Necessary
Written by Chase Weiland Many of you have probably seen much about the famous young climate activist, Greta Thunberg. Her actions and missions do not go unnoticed, and she has done wonderful things to help young people get involved in the Climate Crisis through her...
Climate & Environmental Justice – Gaza, Palestine
Written by Jude Taha When talking about the environmental crisis, it is important to acknowledge the disproportionate impact it holds. Wealthy communities, countries, and individuals frequently feel as though they are safe from the flames and swords of climate...
Donate Your Athletic Gear
Written by Nick Krugh It is important that we, as humans, know what we can do to help our planet and it is important to use Earth Day to educate ourselves on ways that we can do this. I’m writing to inform young athletes how important it is to donate used...
Environmental Literature Suggestions
Written by Dana Shiller In honor of Earth Day, I thought I’d suggest some good reading from the wonderful world of environmental literature. Depending on why you read, you might find any one of these books great to curl up with on a cold spring evening with a cup of...
The Role of Nature & Mental Health
Written by Cathy Petchel There is a strong body of research confirming that direct contact with nature or even viewing scenes of nature, increases mental health and psychological and spiritual development. One of the most intriguing areas of current research is the...
Earth Day Poetry
Written by Carla Myers & Samantha Martin; Clark Family Library The library (of course) encourages reading about nature. Why not combine it with #NationalPoetryMonth which also occurs in April? Reading poems about nature and the environment can engender an...
Being Vegan
Written by Lena DiFulvio I want to start by saying that my journey towards veganism has certainly not been a fast one, nor has it been easy. Let's face it; changing your diet and completely eliminating foods that you've enjoyed your whole life is hard. Having to bring...