Mother Nature

Written by Hannah Robart To know what Mother Nature knows To see the beauty that she holds.  Everything we have We owe to her.  So why do we choose not to love A mother that has given us so much? One day, I think we’ll see That our mother will not take this disrespect...

La Selva

Written by Marcy Saldivar |   A summer-morning cicada choir sings, The green iguanas jump between treetops,  A scarlet macaw opens rainbow wings, Dim light contrasts the glowing eyes of crocs. At dawn, a herd of peccaries run home,  Capuchins play a game of tag...

What’s the word?

Written by Chibuike Ugwu | Johnny is a special boy, He can talk to animals, which brings him joy, Johnny went to south china to see Mr. Tiger,  But he was sad to see his Ambush was getting lighter. Johnny decided to go to Kenya to greet Mrs. Rhino, But he noticed the...

Ode to the Mojave

Written by Ostin Woodfin | Wind burns the edges of the ear, in return for its words. The secrets of the desert are held in the words of the wind, the screams, the tears, the laughter, the silence. The Mojave is a home to many, including myself, the blood in my veins...

Our oceans don’t have a voice

Written by Benjamin Simon | Our oceans cover the majority of the planet But they are far from the infinite resource Like we so often treat it as They’re made up of a number of ecosystems The arctic Coral reefs And mangroves to name a few They’re home to top predators ...

Sightless Description

Written by Stephanie Shugerman Close your eyes and walk. The heat of the sun beats on your shoulders; a glow creeping through your body, warmth from the top of your head to your bare toes on the ground. Wind swirls around your body, fluttering your shirt, the soft...