Written by Carla Myers & Samantha Martin; Clark Family Library
The library (of course) encourages reading about nature. Why not combine it with #NationalPoetryMonth which also occurs in April?

Reading poems about nature and the environment can engender an appreciation for our natural world. It can remind you of your own experiences in nature, or open your imagination to other things in our environment which you may not have experienced directly (but may in the future; Think: Magellan Project!)
The Academy of American Poets has curated a set of environment-related poems on their website. Here are links to a small selection of those poems and what you may find if you read them. Some of them are very old, and some are more contemporary.
Mud Season by Tess Taylor
Vivid description of the transition between winter and spring.
Putting in the Seed By Robert Frost
Talks about the joys of planting a garden and watching things grow.
Planet by Catherine Pierce
Listen closely to our world and you can you hear the wind, the waves, the birds.
This Compost by Walt Whitman
Describes how the earth brings forth life and food from the remains of previous life and food.
Prairie Spring By Willa Cather
Talks about the work involved in planting the fields in spring and the hope that engenders.
Digging Potatoes, Sebago, Maine by Amy E. King
Talks simply about digging up potatoes in the fall, trying to guess where they might be hiding underneath the large foliage that has died back above ground.